Why us?

Our goal is to help companies grow

When you work with us, you are working with fellow entrepreneurs. This means you tap into our own real-world operating and investing experience and time in the trenches. We have walked a mile in your shoes.

Our sole focus is as EOS Implementers

With 40+ clients and 250+ session days, we are passionate about helping companies achieve their full potential. We are not coaches, vistage chairs, forum advisors, or paid speakers. More than 40 years of strategic planning coupled with our experience as entrepreneurs and deep private equity and venture capital expertise gives us perspective few can provide.

Our Focus

We have deep expertise across multiple industries. We can help drive differential growth with companies that are:

High Growth

At least $2MM in annual revenue and are seeking outside capital or have raised at least $5MM in funding, and have a leadership team of 3 or more

Abundance Minded

Never satisfied, intellectually curious, value transparency and regularly feeling frustrated or “stuck”

In North America

Working with companies close to home allows for thriving, personal and customized interaction